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Support level: authentik

Allows users to authenticate using their Discord credentials


The following placeholders will be used:

  • is the FQDN of the authentik install.


  1. Create an application in the Discord Developer Portal (This is Free)

New Application Button

  1. Name the Application

Name App

  1. Select OAuth2 from the left Menu

  2. Copy the Client ID and save it for later

  3. Click to Reveal the Client Secret and save it for later

  4. Click Add Redirect and add

Here is an example of a completed OAuth2 screen for Discord.


  1. Under Directory -> Federation & Social login Click Create Discord OAuth Source

  2. Name: Choose a name (For the example I used Discord)

  3. Slug: discord (You can choose a different slug, if you do you will need to update the Discord redirect URLand point it to the correct slug.)

  4. Consumer Key: Client ID from step 4

  5. Consumer Secret: Client Secret from step 5

Here is an example of a complete authentik Discord OAuth Source

Save, and you now have Discord as a source.


For more details on how-to have the new source display on the Login Page see here.

Checking for membership of a Discord Guild


Ensure that the Discord OAuth source in 'Federation & Social login' has the additional guilds scope added under the 'Protocol settings'.

Create a new 'Expression Policy' with the content below, adjusting the variables where required:

# To get the guild ID number for the parameters, open Discord, go to Settings > Advanced and enable developer mode.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select "Copy ID" to get the guild ID.

ACCEPTED_GUILD_ID = "123456789123456789"
GUILD_NAME_STRING = "The desired server/guild name in the error message."

# Only change below here if you know what you are doing.

# Ensure flow is only run during OAuth logins via Discord
if context['source'].provider_type != "discord":
return True

# Get the user-source connection object from the context, and get the access token
connection = context.get("")
if not connection:
return False
access_token = connection.access_token

guilds = requests.get(
headers= {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}",

user_matched = any(ACCEPTED_GUILD_ID == g["id"] for g in guilds)
if not user_matched:
ak_message(f"User is not a member of {GUILD_NAME_STRING}.")
return user_matched

Now bind this policy to the chosen enrollment and authentication flows for the Discord OAuth source.

Checking for membership of a Discord Guild role


Ensure that the Discord OAuth source in 'Federation & Social login' has the additional guilds scopes added under the 'Protocol settings'.

Create a new 'Expression Policy' with the content below, adjusting the variables where required:

# To get the role and guild ID numbers for the parameters, open Discord, go to Settings > Advanced and
# enable developer mode.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select "Copy ID" to get the guild ID.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select server settings > roles, right click on the role and click
# "Copy ID" to get the role ID.

ACCEPTED_ROLE_ID = "123456789123456789"
ACCEPTED_GUILD_ID = "123456789123456789"
GUILD_NAME_STRING = "The desired server/guild name in the error message."
ROLE_NAME_STRING = "The desired role name in the error message."

# Only change below here if you know what you are doing.

# Ensure flow is only run during OAuth logins via Discord
if context['source'].provider_type != "discord":
return True

# Get the user-source connection object from the context, and get the access token
connection = context.get("")
if not connection:
return False
access_token = connection.access_token

guild_member_object = requests.get(
headers= {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}",

# The response for JSON errors is held within guild_member_object['code']
# See:
# If the user isn't in the queried guild, it gives the somewhat misleading code = 10004.
if "code" in guild_member_object:
if guild_member_object['code'] == 10004:
ak_message(f"User is not a member of {GUILD_NAME_STRING}.")
ak_create_event("discord_error", source=context['source'], code=guild_member_object['code'])
ak_message("Discord API error, try again later.")
# Policy does not match if there is any error.
return False

user_matched = any(ACCEPTED_ROLE_ID == g for g in guild_member_object["roles"])
if not user_matched:
ak_message(f"User is not a member of the {ROLE_NAME_STRING} role in {GUILD_NAME_STRING}.")
return user_matched

Now bind this policy to the chosen enrollment and authentication flows for the Discord OAuth source.

Syncing Discord roles to authentik groups


Ensure that the Discord OAuth source in 'Federation & Social login' has the additional scopes added under the 'Protocol settings'.

Create a new 'Expression Policy' with the content below, adjusting the variables where required.

Sync on enrollment

# To get the role and guild ID numbers for the parameters, open Discord, go to Settings > Advanced and
# enable developer mode.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select "Copy ID" to get the guild ID.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select server settings > roles, right click on the role and click
# "Copy ID" to get the role ID.

from authentik.core.models import Group

"<Discord Role Id 1>": Group.objects.get_or_create(name="<Authentik Role Name 1>")[0],
"<Discord Role Id 2>": Group.objects.get_or_create(name="<Authentik Role Name 2>")[0],
# You can add mapped roles by copying the above line and adjusting to your needs

# Only change below here if you know what you are doing.
GUILD_API_URL = "{guild_id}/member"

# Ensure flow is only run during OAuth logins via Discord
if context["source"].provider_type != "discord":
return True

# Get the user-source connection object from the context, and get the access token
connection = context.get("")
if not connection:
return False
access_token = connection.access_token

guild_member_info = requests.get(
headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token},

# Ensure user is a member of the guild
if "code" in guild_member_info:
if guild_member_info["code"] == 10004:
ak_message("User is not a member of the guild")
"discord_error", source=context["source"], code=guild_member_info["code"]
ak_message("Discord API error, try again later.")
return False

# Add all mapped roles the user has in the guild
groups_to_add = []
for role_id in MAPPED_ROLES:
if role_id in guild_member_info["roles"]:

request.context["flow_plan"].context["groups"] = groups_to_add
return True

Now bind this policy to the chosen enrollment flows for the Discord OAuth source.

Sync on authentication

# To get the role and guild ID numbers for the parameters, open Discord, go to Settings > Advanced and
# enable developer mode.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select "Copy ID" to get the guild ID.
# Right-click on the server/guild title and select server settings > roles, right click on the role and click
# "Copy ID" to get the role ID.

from authentik.core.models import Group

"<Discord Role Id 1>": Group.objects.get_or_create(name="<Authentik Role Name 1>")[0],
"<Discord Role Id 2>": Group.objects.get_or_create(name="<Authentik Role Name 2>")[0],
# You can add mapped roles by copying the above line and adjusting to your needs

# Only change below here if you know what you are doing.
GUILD_API_URL = "{guild_id}/member"

# Ensure flow is only run during OAuth logins via Discord
if context["source"].provider_type != "discord":
return True

# Get the user-source connection object from the context, and get the access token
connection = context.get("")
if not connection:
return False
access_token = connection.access_token

guild_member_info = requests.get(
headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token},

# Ensure user is a member of the guild
if "code" in guild_member_info:
if guild_member_info["code"] == 10004:
ak_message("User is not a member of the guild")
"discord_error", source=context["source"], code=guild_member_info["code"]
ak_message("Discord API error, try again later.")
return False

# Get the user's current roles and remove all roles we want to remap
new_groups = [
role for role in request.user.ak_groups.all() if role not in MAPPED_ROLES.values()

# Add back mapped roles which the user has in the guild
for role_id in MAPPED_ROLES:
if role_id in guild_member_info["roles"]:

# Update user's groups

return True

Now bind this policy to the chosen authentication flows for the Discord OAuth source.

Store OAuth info in attribute and create avatar attribute from Discord avatar


Ensure that the Discord OAuth source in 'Federation & Social login' has the additional scopes added under the 'Protocol settings'.


In order to use the created attribute in authentik you will have to set authentik configuration arguments found at:

Create a new 'Expression Policy' with the content below, adjusting the variables where required:

import base64
import requests

AVATAR_SIZE = "64" # Valid values: 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024

# Only change below here if you know what you are doing.
AVATAR_URL = "{id}/{avatar}.png?site={avatar_size}"
AVATAR_STREAM_CONTENT = "data:image/png;base64,{base64_string}" # Converts base64 image into html syntax usable with authentik's avatar attributes feature

def get_as_base64(url):
"""Returns the base64 content of the url"""
return base64.b64encode(requests.get(url).content)

def get_avatar_from_avatar_url(url):
"""Returns an authentik-avatar-attributes-compatible string from an image url"""
cut_url = f"{url}?size=64"

# Ensure flow is only run during OAuth logins via Discord
if context["source"].provider_type != "discord":
return True

user = request.user
userinfo = request.context["oauth_userinfo"]

# Assigns the discord attributes to the user
user.attributes["discord"] = {
"id": userinfo["id"],
"username": userinfo["username"],
"discriminator": userinfo["discriminator"],
"email": userinfo["email"],
"avatar": userinfo["avatar"],
"avatar_url": (
id=userinfo["id"], avatar=userinfo["avatar"], avatar_size=AVATAR_SIZE
if userinfo["avatar"]
else None

# If the user has an avatar, assign it to the user
avatar_url = user.attributes["discord"].get("avatar_url", None)
if avatar_url is not None:
user.attributes["avatar"] = get_avatar_from_avatar_url(avatar_url)
return True

Now bind this policy to the chosen enrollment and authentication flows for the Discord OAuth source.