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Token Viewset


Path Parameters

    identifier stringrequired


    managed Managed by authentik (string)nullable

    Possible values: non-empty

    Objects that are managed by authentik. These objects are created and updated automatically. This flag only indicates that an object can be overwritten by migrations. You can still modify the objects via the API, but expect changes to be overwritten in a later update.

    identifier string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 255 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$

    intent IntentEnum (string)

    Possible values: [verification, api, recovery, app_password]

    user integer
    description string
    expires date-timenullable
    expiring boolean



    pk uuidrequired
    managed Managed by authentik (string)nullable

    Objects that are managed by authentik. These objects are created and updated automatically. This flag only indicates that an object can be overwritten by migrations. You can still modify the objects via the API, but expect changes to be overwritten in a later update.

    identifier stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 255 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$

    intent IntentEnum (string)

    Possible values: [verification, api, recovery, app_password]

    user integer




    User Serializer

    pk ID (integer)required
    username stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 150 characters

    name stringrequired

    User's display name.

    is_active Active (boolean)

    Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting accounts.

    last_login date-timenullable
    is_superuser booleanrequired
    groups uuid[]





  • Array [

  • pk uuidrequired
    num_pk integerrequired

    Get a numerical, int32 ID for the group

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 80 characters

    is_superuser boolean

    Users added to this group will be superusers.

    parent uuidnullable
    parent_name stringnullablerequired
    attributes object
  • ]

  • email email

    Possible values: <= 254 characters

    avatar stringrequired

    User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

    attributes object
    uid stringrequired
    path string
    type UserTypeEnum (string)

    Possible values: [internal, external, service_account, internal_service_account]

    uuid uuidrequired
    description string
    expires date-timenullable
    expiring boolean