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RadiusProvider Viewset


Path Parameters

    id integerrequired

    A unique integer value identifying this Radius Provider.



    pk ID (integer)required
    name stringrequired
    application_slug stringrequired
    auth_flow_slug stringrequired
    client_networks string

    List of CIDRs (comma-separated) that clients can connect from. A more specific CIDR will match before a looser one. Clients connecting from a non-specified CIDR will be dropped.

    shared_secret string

    Shared secret between clients and server to hash packets.

    mfa_support boolean

    When enabled, code-based multi-factor authentication can be used by appending a semicolon and the TOTP code to the password. This should only be enabled if all users that will bind to this provider have a TOTP device configured, as otherwise a password may incorrectly be rejected if it contains a semicolon.
